You can help make LANY's events more successful by making
a donation through our fiscal sponsor, Fractured Atlas.

All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.   
To donate online, click on the button below: 

You can also donate by check made out to "Fractured Atlas", with the words "Lyric Artists
of New York" in the memo line.  These checks should be sent to:

Lyric Artists of New York
305 Fifth Ave, Ste. 1B
Brooklyn, NY  11215

If you are unable to donate financially, in-kind gifts are also kindly accepted; for example,
volunteering, costume making or donation, venue/rehearsal space donation - there are many
ways to donate this way.  If you would like to contact LANY about in-kind donations,
click on the Contact tab and send us a message. . 

We are grateful for any help you can give!.